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Sunday, November 8, 2009


Monday, November 2
I know, I know, you're tired of seeing my sculpture class projects, right? Well, too bad. They take me enough time to plan and create that I document them all.
This was a group site-specific project. We chose the site (Green Canyon) and created what we called "Black Sun." We based the idea around the idea of using the contrast of the dark, dark soil against the fall leaves (or white, fall snow if that happened too!) and only used the materials found at the site, bringing nothing in.

Tuesday, November 3
There's something intriguing to me about light posts and telephone lines for some reason. I took several different shots, including some portraits, but this one won out.

Wednesday, November 4
This is a before and after shot from a photo I took for October 25. I thought it was interesting to see the progression of the effects of Fall on these vines. Once bright orange and lively, now mostly dead and gone, but brown where they still hang on by a thread against the vibrant, seemingly thriving green vines.

Thursday, November 5
I've been trying for quite some time to get a decent shot of Cambria's eyelashes, but to no avail...she just moves too darn fast and is NEVER still! Alas, I finally got one. I really like it, but hope there will be many more to come.

Friday, November 6
This road is out in Providence. The first time I saw it, I had to drive up and down it, even though I didn't need to take it to get to where I was going. And I immediately fell in love with it.

Saturday, November 7
My parents have had this swinging gnome for quite some time, but it caught my eye yesterday more than ever before because I couldn't believe just how spot-on Blake and Christine's gnome costumes from last week were. Gnomes are rad. Period.

Sunday, November 8
The Clash said, "Should I stay or should I go now?" and I think that is what fall is doing this year-especially in Logan. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind all the beautiful days we've had lately, but knowing it could snow one day and be nice the next gets somewhat annoying after a couple weeks.

1 comment:

Jesse C said...

This might be the best week yet. Great stuff. Great variety.